Assessing patient satisfaction with healthcare services at outpatient Urology Department of a tertiary hospital in Singapore
Objectives The patient satisfaction assessment at an outpatient Urology Centre in Singapore was based on one single question and it has failed to provide a direction of the areas for improvement. The objectives of this study were to identify the levels of patients’ satisfaction with health care services, the differences in general satisfaction within patients’ socio-demographic characteristics, and the most influential factor of healthcare services in predicting patients’ satisfaction.
Method The study is a cross-sectional descriptive study design, using a validated Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ) in both English and Chinese language. A total of 450 outpatients (85.1% response rate) participated in the study.
Results In general, patients were moderately satisfied with healthcare services at the outpatient Urology Centre services. The satisfaction level was significantly higher for elderly patients compared with young and middle-aged adults. Patients of private paying class were more satisfied with the services than those who were in the subsidized paying class. Doctors were found to be the most influential domain in predicting patients’ general satisfaction, followed by nurses. About 56% of variance in general patient satisfaction was explained by doctors, nurses, access of care, appointments and facilities (R2=0.56).
Conclusions The moderate satisfaction scores imply that there is room for improvement in the quality of healthcare services delivery system. As doctors and nurses were identified as the strongest predictors of general satisfaction, this knowledge could allow nursing, medical education and management to develop strategies which will further increase the level of patient satisfaction.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v2i3.793
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