Assessing the impact of a benchmark workshop on quality of care as perceived by patients
Rationale, aims and objectives: Though the ultimate goal of patient surveys is to improve patient care, few studies have systematically examined whether other feedback modes in addition to written reports can spur improvement in subsequent patients. We investigate whether staff participation in benchmark workshops leads to improved results during the next survey period.
Method: Standardized patient surveys with consecutive samples were administered in all accredited breast care center hospitals in a German state (18 million inhabitants). After the 2009 survey results were distributed to breast care centers, participation at a benchmark workshop was offered to employees from all hospitals that participated in the survey at the beginning of the 2010 survey period. The workshop focused on 3 topics. Multiple linear regression analyses were applied.
Results: Participation in workshops was positively and statistically significantly associated with improvement in survey results the following year for the dimension “support by nurses” and positively associated with both of the other 2 dimensions.
Conclusion: If breast center hospitals participate in benchmark workshops, care of quality as perceived by patients is likely to improve and will actively contribute to the person-centeredness of clinical services.Keywords
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v1i2.686
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