BBC Horizon placebo back pain study: a public trial of the effectiveness of placebos
Background: Systematic reviews of randomized trials show that empathic care (a core component of person-centered care) and placebos can reduce chronic back pain. However, this evidence has rarely been implemented and public knowledge of empathy and placebos is limited.
Objectives: We conducted a trial (‘OPTICARE’) in a real-life setting. The trial and its aftermath were filmed for a British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Horizon documentary.
Methods: Eligible participants aged 18-75 years with self-reported persistent back pain (>3 months) were randomised to: (1) Control group (SC): had a standard consultation and a leaflet describing NHS recommendations for back pain. (2) Standard placebo group (SP): received a three-week course of placebo pills (2 capsules, twice a day) and a standard (5-10 minute) general practice (GP) consultation. (3) Empathy and placebo group (EP): received the same as SP treatment as the standard placebo group and a longer (15-30 minute) consultation with a doctor prompted to be highly empathetic. Self-reported changes in pain after 3 weeks were measured using the Visual Analogue Scale and the Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire. The process was filmed by Windfall Films.
Results: The documentary, entitled ‘The Placebo Experiment: Can My Brain Cure My Body?’ was first broadcast on BBC Two in the UK on 4 October 2018. It was watched by 1.9 million people. Almost all of the 117 participants in the trial reported a reduction in pain and magnitude of placebo effects is similar in real world settings as it is in clinical trials.
Conclusions: This was the largest placebo study we are aware of that was conducted with a main purpose of educating the public about placebo effects and the first known published report of a study designed for a documentary. Although the trial suffered from a number of limitations, including contamination and lack of power, it is contended that randomised trials of placebo treatments can be conducted so that they benefit and educate the public.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v7i4.1787
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