Hypertension knowledge, heart healthy lifestyle practices and medication adherence among adults with hypertension
Objective: To assess patients’ knowledge about hypertension and its association with heart healthy lifestyle practices and medication adherence.
Methods: We conducted a cross sectional survey of 385 adults with hypertension treated at 2 primary care clinics in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. We used an 11-item measure to assess hypertension knowledge and obtained self-reports on dietary changes, engagement in aerobic exercise and medication adherence.
Results: Approximately 85% of patients properly identified high blood pressure, but more than two-thirds were unaware that hypertension lasts a lifetime once diagnosed; one-third were unaware that hypertension could lead to renal disease. Patients with low hypertension knowledge were less likely to reduce their salt intake (OR=0.44 [95% CI: 0.24-0.72]) and eat less to lose weight (OR=0.48 [95% CI: 0.26-0.87]) than patients with high hypertension knowledge.
Conclusion: In general, patients were knowledgeable about hypertension, but most were unaware that hypertension is a lifelong condition and could lead to kidney disease. High knowledge of hypertension was associated with healthy lifestyle practices including eating less to lose weight and dietary salt reduction.
Practice Implications: Intensifying education strategies to improve patients’ knowledge of hypertension may enhance their engagement in heart healthy lifestyle practices for optimal blood pressure control.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v6i1.1416
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